GPOtool Sysvol Mismatch

Published on Thursday, June 21, 2012 in ,

Recently some colleagues of me logged a case because a GPO which worked fine before didn’t seem to work anymore. In the GPO the security of c: was redefined. In the end the root cause of that problem was McAfee. Whilst troubleshooting with Microsoft, in one of the generated log files we noticed SYSVOL mismatch errors.

When troubleshooting GPO’s often an utility called GPOtool.exe is used. This tool is available in the Windows 2003 resource kit tools. Since that tool I’ve never seen a newer version been released. I always assumed it just worked with Windows 2008 or 2008 R2 Domain Controllers. So when we got the following errors, we assumed we had a problem with some of our GPO’s:


In words: Error: sysvol mismatch. At first sight the version in the output seem identical. Also when verifying using ADSIedit, the GPO Management Console & in the SYSVOL share, all GPO related versions seemed to be correct. One thing we noticed though, only GPO’s which were exported and imported in a newer GPO seemed to be mentioned. Although I see no reason for that to cause versioning issues. After some googling I came across this: http://kb.elmahdy.net/2011/02/gpotool-for-windows-server-2008-r2.html

So it seems Microsoft (internally) has a more recent build of GPOtool.exe which plays nicer with Windows 2008 R2 domain controllers. I am by no means responsible for the tool provided on that blog, but I tested it in my environment and it worked fine. The exe seems to be signed by Microsoft, so I would assume it’s safe. To conclude the correct output:


And some GPOtool.exe version information (gpotool1 is the old one):


P.S. It is to my understanding that the Windows Server 2012 will have a GPMC which has enhanced capabilities regarding the GPO health. Way to go!

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3 Response to GPOtool Sysvol Mismatch

11 September, 2014 21:37

Anyone know of a link to a newer version? This one seems out of date.

12 September, 2014 11:56

I think the tool is still valid. A more recent version hasn't been made I think. This kind of functionality is moved to the 2012 GPMC I think. You can run it anyhow and see what comes out...

26 February, 2025 03:49

I find it interesting how technology evolves and tools like this are updated for better compatibility.

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